Sunday, October 30, 2011

Journal 12: Your First Source

Webb, A. , & Kench, P. (2010). The dynamic response of reef islands to sea-level rise: Evidence from multi-decadal analysis of island change in the central pacific. Global & Planetary Change, 72(3), 234-246.

The outhors of  this resourse are Webb and Kench. They talk about  that  the sea-level rise  infulence the low-lying atoll islands, They piont out  that sea-level in the central Pacific rise of 2.0mm yr−1, and Maldives is in this area. My research paper involves to the disapaear of Maldives in the future, so it is a good resourse for my paper.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Journal 6: Dr Dolittle

It is awesome if  aninal could talk to me. I don't know you guys have seen a movie named " Zookeeper" this July.It taks about all the animal in the zoo can talk, and they help the zookeeper find his love. It is a comedy, and it maybe want to tell us find a love is not easy, and it probablly need somebody's help.
If I have a animal could talk , I donot want it can seek a love for me, the only thing i want it can do is to read book to me. Be honest, I am lazy to read any book, but I want to listen people read them. And  I can do other things at the same time. Maybe one day i would ask it that  do you like read this book for me? If not, I could read for it.Hah.

Journal 5: Life's Soundtrack

Music is a good thing. it can express people's emotion. It shows one kind of soul. My favorite song is a Chinese song named " Love is not an easy thing".
The first time I heard this song was when I studied in the library with my girlfriend tow years ago.Firtly, I think the words of this song is good. It tells me that love is not easy to manage, to find a lover has the same hobby with you, . Secondly, the melody of this song is easy to remeber. It is not hard to sing, and I can easily  sing it to my girlfriend, and she also loves this song. most time after singing, she gives me a kiss. It is sweet.
This song  tells me that love should be treasured becaus it can fly away from you suddenly.My girlfriend and me are still keeping a good relationship till now, although we are living a differenr county and have a different time. Thanks for this song, and we appreciate each other.

Journal 4: Weather

Last winter I went to Chicago, it's a really beautifull palce at that time. Here was only one color, white. It pure my soul , and I like this kind feeling. But i do not think the weather there is good. It is too cold for me. I like the weather in Los Ageles.
The days here are almost sunny. We can do lots of things in these kinds days like having a picnic in a park, or enjoying the sunshine on the beach. On the night, it is cool in Los Ageles, but you should  take a coat if you want to go outside with a long time.
In my opinion, LA is greener than my hometown, becaouse there is so many green project and places are covered by green gass and trees. The air is fresh. The sky is very blue. For me, it is pretty are also many birds i can see in the morning behind my garden. You know ii can be seen rarely.
The weather in LA is so good.For the sunny days , cool on the night, green surrounding and birds, I like living in LA

Friday, September 9, 2011

Journal 3: Old Fears

I was the person who want get along with others before I was in high school. I was afraid of doing something by myselfe,such as eating or playing. sometimes I could not go to have meal if my classmates did not want to  or they had had it before I wanted to have it. To face this fear,  I just bought meal, and brought it to my dormitory eating around my mates, or just  thought orthers around me were my mates by sitting in the mess hall.So after graduating, I almost overcome the fear, and can enjot my meal by mayself.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Journal 2: Getting Around

In my opinion,, the driving system is pretty good in California. I got my first car when I came here. I love to drive in California. The high ways are good, although it is bussy when I drive to campus every moring. It cost me about 20 munites to arrive campus, in contrast my county China, it would spend me around 1 hour with the same distance.So, it is efficiency.

Driving here is safer than  in China. You know, when we drive in China , every driver want to go first, and they do not want to yield others. As a result, there would be some small accidents. But, in California, Usually people want to yield others, even yiled  pedestrians. It  totally oppistes in China.

I have never taken bus since I came here. But I see the buses are usually not crowded and everyone can have a sit. Only one thing confuses me that if the buses belong to private property or public?

By the way, I vist your blogs and read your journals,but here are must some problem with my account, so I can not comment in your guys' blog. I will fix it as soon as possible.I am sorry for that.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Yes! Give your comments! I will offer your free coffee, Hah .
Ok, It's time to start my first  journal 1.
Let me interduce myselfe to you. My name is Dapeng Xu ,and I am from China. You can call me Jerry, and can also call me Big Bird. Thanks Sean for giving me such a good name. Accurately I like it very much,because it makes me recall my middle school life. My classmates all liked to call me Big Bird. Every sweet memory  almost belongs to this period. But now, I think they are different kinds of  Big Birds. One is Chinese culture Big Bird which involves a myth; the other is American style Big bird. I all like these two kinds of birds.
Can u guess which one is Chinese my th Bird and which one is American style big bird?